DCEU Movies, Ranked
Will James Gunn succeed where Zack Snyder could not?
The DCEU was the attempt by Warner Brothers to try and replicate the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, due to issues behind the scenes and a lack of commercial success, this has now been canned. This article will rank the movies from worst to best, providing my own personal take on the 11 year long cinematic universe.
14–11: Barely passable as films
14. Wonder Woman 2 (3/109)
I remember being excited for this movie after the very positive origin film. However, the nonsensical plot, abysmal acting, and truly terrible CGI made this film a complete mess.
13. Black Adam (4/10)
“The hierarchy of power”… you know the rest. Look, Dr Fate was great, and there were a couple cool set pieces (usually involving his character), but the plot and characters were entirely forgettable.
12. Shazam 2 (4/10)
I remember this film had little to no hype prior to release, and I cannot say it was what fans hoped for. The court of public opinion changing on Zachary Levi did not help this movie’s potential at all.
11. Aquaman 2 (4.5/10)
Being the most recent DCEU movie I watched, I can say it was much worse than the first. The humour was much more low brow, and as a whole the movie felt half-a*sed and lazy, although I did enjoy Patrick Wilson’s character.
10–6: Average to Good
10. Josstice League (4.5/10)
The difference between the two versions is laughable. Joss Whedon had an impossible task, but the film was so average that it hurt me. I do believe, however, it is harder to adapt these heroes than the Avengers due to the “godly” members.
9. Suicide Squad (2016) [5/10]
I can’t believe I saw this movie twice in cinema. A good soundtrack, some good casting and characters on display, but ultimately disappointing for the potential.
8. The Flash (6/10)
The polarising nature of this film is honestly impressive. I don’t think it is as bad as people make it out to be (the scenes with Barry’s mother are particularly heartfelt and I liked Batman and Supergirl), but the CGI and execution of the Flashpoint idea was undercooked.
7. Aquaman (6.5/10)
An average movie. Humourous moments, good battles, interesting cast and a good villain for DC standards. Nothing too memorable on either side of good and bad.
6. Shazam (7/10)
What a surprise hit this movie was. Heartfelt, funny, and unique amongst Synder’s bleak and serious tone, I thought it would be the catalyst for a DC rebirth. Sadly, that was not the case. Still has great rewatchability.
5–1: Good to Great
5. Man of Steel (7/10)
Although it is not as hope-filled and patriotic as the comics, I think the opening DCEU film is a satisfactory origin. Henry Cavill and Amy Adams stand out as great picks for the roles, and I would argue that General Zod is potentially the most memorable DC villain in this universe. Should have got a proper sequel.
4. Batman v Superman (7.5/10)
I will die on this hill — I thought this movie was great. People like to attack the “Martha” plot point and the fact that Batman kills, but I thought it set up the conflict extremely well, and was truly cinematic and engrossing. Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor is not it though, I would have loved Mark Strong in this instead of Shazam.
3. Suicide Squad (2022) [8/10]
James Gunn’s audition into the DC world following his dismissal from Marvel, and it was in the top 3 movies of the DCEU. I liked how he made it feel more like a team and not focused on the big stars, similar to GotG. It also launched Peacemaker, which is a wonderful show.
2. Wonder Woman (8/10)
Let down by the third act and villain, but a genuinely great WW2 and origin film in one. Chris Pine’s Trevor was a great addition, and his loss was felt. The action scenes were also top notch, again until the 3rd act.
1. Zack Synder’s Justice League (8.5/10)
Another hill to die on, maybe because Zack Snyder and his fans are very vocal and defensive, but I genuinely think this is a fantastic movie. People complain about the length, and to that I say “Lord of the Rings extended edition”. All heroes get a time to shine, and it sets up future projects well. It is a shame it was never fully realised, and I would have loved to see the future of the universe, but we still got a classic or two along the way.